Polygraph Examination Process
While every truth verification exam is based on the individual client and goal, we strive for optimal consistency to ensure the most accurate results. Our lie detection examination will typically include the following phases.
01 | Pre-Polygraph Interview
During this stage of the polygraph examination, we will walk the examinee through all the required paperwork and discuss the upcoming test. That will include a conversation about the questions that will be asked and a short session to familiarize the examinee with a good understamding of the polygraph instrumentation that will be used.
02 | Chart Collection Phase
Once we have completed the setup for the polygraph examination, it is time to administer and collect all relevant data. We will ask questions, occasionally offering the examinee an opportunity to further explain physiological responses concerning an issue during the truth verification examination.
*Please note we do not include physiology associated with the voice stress analysis. Instruments claiming to record voice stress are not polygraph exams and are not supported by peer-reviewedscientific evidence.
03 | Test Data Analysis
Finally, our polygraph exam professional will analyze the charts and give an opinion on the integrity of any responses. We use our training, years of experience, and developed skills to present a clear report to our clients without any bias toward the subject or subject matter. The entire truth verification exam process takes anywhere from 1.5 to 2 hours. We may request more time for a report to ensure accuracy when necessary.
You can learn more about the processes and procedures of our lie detection tests at Truth Verification Polygraph Services by contacting us today.